This nifty little utility hooks up to your existing iTunes library* and pushes your songs to your BlackBerry® in minutes. The sync process works exactly like an iPod** - songs already in your BlackBerry® won't be replaced or duplicated, and only the songs you select in iTunes for syncing will be synced. Added a new song? Fire up iTuneSync and it will copy the song on to your BlackBerry®! All this and more*** only at the press of a button. Wires-free, hassle-free.
Requires iTunes 6 or above for iTuneSync to work. The latest version is recommended.
*The app needs a desktop client to work. The setup for the desktop client can be downloaded from http://www.pacemobi.com/bb/itunesync/
**It cannot copy DRM protected music. You need to remove the DRM from your music for it to work.
***Also, it cannot make a sandwich for you. We're working on that.

Version: 1.0.2
File Size: 132 KB
Required: 5.0.0 or higher
Download iTunes Sync v1.0.2
OTA (http://url.prohp.net/knyzq)
BlackBerry World
http://appworld.blackberry.com/webstore/content/115766/iTunes Sync v1.0.2